
Returns & Refunds

Return Policy

  1. Replacement offered only on damage in transit.
  2. For replacement of product due to damage, we require unboxing video.
  3. We will review the unboxing video and dispatch replacement within 48 hours.

Cancellation & Refund Policy

  1. Cancellation of Orders before shipping only at the discretion of The Bhi’s Hive and requests for cancellation are to be made via email available on the Contacts page here
  2. Refund on Cancelled Orders will be provided via a Voucher Code of the Order Value to be redeemed on our site
  3. No Cancellation of Orders after the order is Shipped
  4. Refunds applicable only if we are unable to complete the order
  5. For replacement of product due to damage, we require the unboxing video.
  6. We will review the unboxing video and dispatch the replacement within 48 hours.
  7. If we are unable to send a replacement, a Refund will be initiated
  8. Refund on failed replacements will be offered via either a Voucher code of the same value of the product to be replaced, to be redeemed on our site or as monetary refund
  9. Voucher code refunds are instant
  10. Refunds to your bank account may take 7 – 10 days after initiation of refund.
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